- A recording begins once someone has entered a Bramble Room. We ascertain who that recording is sent to by the email address that is inputted on the Welcome screen. Eg.
- A recording ends as soon as everyone in the Room disconnects.
NOTE: A recording is separate to the PDF export. Exporting a session by clicking on the envelope icon does not end the session or recording. It simply exports the visual content and clears the room. Find out more about how that works here.
- The recording will then appear in the Sessions page of the relevant users' accounts (as explained in (1) - ascertained by the email used).
- Every user's Bramble account is password protected (meaning session recordings are contained within a protected account)
- It is not possible for session recordings to be downloaded from the bramble ecosystem.
- All of our data is stored in our British secure servers.
- You can read more about our Privacy Policy here. https://about.bramble.io/trust/privacy-policy.html