To reassure you before deciding to remove session recordings, bear in mind that the only people who have access to a recording are the owners of the email addresses that appear on the Session card (and your organisation admin if you are an agency tutor). No one else can access these recordings and recordings can never be made public.
If you still need to remove a recording for some reason, here's how:
If you are an independent tutor: You can remove sessions by clicking on the bin icon on your Session card. Just be aware that this will remove the session for everyone present in that session.
If you are an agency tutor: Organisations have the ability to control that setting and choose whether their users can remove sessions or not. if you would like the option to remove your sessions, I would suggest contacting your organisation to ask if they can change this in their settings.
If you are a tutor working for Pearson: Please let Pearson know the session numbers of the sessions you would like removed alongside your reason why. You can contact them at
Remember that once a recording is removed it cannot be undone.